What are you doing here?
The context of your “here” is as unique as your thumb print. Even in identical circumstances, you and I have a different perception of what is happening. How so? Well, how you experience anything is -> based on your emotions -> created by your thoughts -> influenced by all the previous experiences in your life It is said that inner peace comes about when you are consciously living out your purpose ie. when you are doing what you are meant to be doing here. Knowing what that is usually comes from taking guidance from your inner voice, having a good understanding of your talents and your personality as well as living out your passion. The purpose-driven one-and-only you -> learns from all the previous experiences in your life -> deliberately creates positive and constructive thoughts -> is aware of, and controls, your emotions Notice how the second chain of events starts with you taking responsibility whereas the first can be reactive, limiting and destructive. Life Coaching can be your opportunity for uncovering your life purpose and understanding what you are (supposed to be) doing here. Contact me for a free session to find out more. Steven Covey’s 5th Habit of Highly Effective People is “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”. He says further that seeking to be understood takes courage.
May I suggest that it is futile to expect others to understand you when you don’t understand yourself? I think it takes even more courage to understand who is staring back at you in the mirror so that you can, then, help other people to understand you. We are seeking first to understand ourselves, then to understand others. The next part is where we gather our courage: in an authentic, respectful and firm manner explain ourselves and how we perceive a situation or person, seeking to be understood. Not submitting or giving up part of ourselves to another. It takes maturity, self-confidence and a measure of assertiveness. Personal development coaching is the perfect vehicle for getting to know and understand yourself better. It also creates self-awareness and the appreciation that it is ok to be you and that it is ok for other people to be them. The tools and techniques that we learn during coaching empower us for successful engagement with others. Contact me if you would like to find out more. Do you also get tunnel vision when you are having challenging times?
One of the definitions of tunnel vision is “single minded concentration on one objective”. In itself, this sounds like a positive, constructive approach. However, when the objective is energy-draining, stressful and filled with negativity, such focus tends to result in losing context of the bigger picture. To me, it feels like my whole existence is consumed by the stressful and challenging experience and it tends to explode to a size that, realistically speaking, is waaay out of proportion. I forget to count my blessings and be grateful for all the wonderful people that I have in my life. Continuing on this path only leads to victim mentality and feeling sorry for myself. What is helpful to me is that I know now that emotions are the results of thoughts. Changing how I think is key to changing how I feel. It sounds simple but it requires determination, persistence and works well if I can find something else to focus on. I also understand that sometimes getting out of that tunnel isn’t just a quick leap, it’s clawing my way out slowly emerging and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I learnt this during my coaching training and through helping clients work through challenging times, with the view to improving how they respond to new challenges when they crop up. We can’t be without challenges, they move us out of our comfort zone and teach us valuable life lessons. What we can do is learn to face them as a victOR and not as a victIM. The rainbow is a symbol of the promise of peace. The promise of the rainbow – the fulfilment of inner peace - cannot be satisfied in your life by someone or something else. Scientifically speaking, a rainbow appears when pure white light is split into its component colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Think of that white light as the whole person you are, made up of different life areas where each life area may be illustrated by one of the colours of the rainbow. Visualize the arcs of your rainbow together, each colour contributing equally to the bigger picture. Think of how inner peace is achieved when your life areas are balanced, each contributing towards the whole you. Consider the following to get a sense of what your rainbow looks like today. The outside arc represents your Career, Vocation or Employment and includes your Financial Wellness. A complete red arc shows total satisfaction with your current employment and your financial health. You are financially stable and successfully manage your budget. It also shows that your need for Security is completely fulfilled. Symptoms of dissatisfaction in this life area include feeling stuck, experiencing continual financial problems, feeling that you are just getting by and that you are not good enough the way you are. Red is associated with Mars, Aries and #1 The orange arc of your rainbow shows the degree of Vitality that you feel. This is seen in a healthy relationship with your body, excellent general health, good energy levels and sufficient physical capacity to manage for your lifestyle. Symptoms of dissatisfaction in this life area include low self-image, disengaging from emotional or physical intimacy and experiencing feelings of hurt and confusion. You may also find yourself in toxic relationships with others. Orange is associated with Mercury, Gemini and #2, #4 The yellow arc represents your satisfaction with your personal growth and includes the personal development you find in further education, enhancing your skills and finding joy in pursuing hobbies. When you have a low self-esteem, you will find difficulty following your dreams which can create dissatisfaction in this life area. Yellow is associated with the Sun, Leo and #1, #3 Your satisfaction with the state of your relationships with significant people close to you is depicted by the green arc. When you experience a fear of commitment, being a people pleaser, carry hurt from previous relationships and find yourself holding grudges, it may be an indication that you are struggling in this life area. Green is associated with Venus and Earth, Libra and Taurus, #4, #6 The blue arc represents your life area of involvement in social and community interactions. It includes being comfortable engaging with others, speaking up, feeling that you are heard and being creative in self-expression. When there is dissatisfaction with this life area, you may be fearful of speaking up and feel frustrated that other people don’t hear what you say. Blue is associated with Jupiter, Sagittarius and #5 The second inner arc, Indigo, represents the maturity of your emotional intelligence. This is shown by your ability to identify and understand your emotions and those of others. It is also shown by the positive way in which you manage your emotions. When you experience dissatisfaction with this life area, you may have difficulty making decisions, feel disconnected from your intuition and may have a sense that something is misaligned in your life. Indigo is associated with Saturn and Neptune, Capricorn and Pisces, #5, #7 The state of your Spiritual life is the inner most arc – do you have inner peace at all times and make time to quietly reflect and meditate? Without this, you may be strongly attached to material possessions and achievements with a feeling of lack of connection with your inner voice. You may feel lonely, insignificant and hopeless. Violet is associated with Uranus and the Moon, Aquarius and Cancer, #7, #12 When one of the arcs of your rainbow are not complete, it shows the opportunity for self development, to become a whole, balanced person contributing positively to this world and fully living out your purpose.
Life Coaching can empower you to become your best self, a balanced person consciously living by your values and at the same time contributing positively to the lives of others. Don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in one-on-one coaching. I would love to hear from you. A rainbow appears when pure white light is split into its component colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. At URProfitable Life Coaching, the pure perfect white light represents the whole person you are, made up of different life areas. A well-balanced person, achieving success in all life areas is living a purposeful life represented by a beautifully complete rainbow. When self-discovery highlights a life area in need of attention, your rainbow is not complete for that colour and personal development opportunities have been identified.
The light within is your own rainbow. Through one-on-one coaching or by attending my ‘Finding your Purpose’ workshop, you will become more self-aware, identifying areas of your life that need attention. You will learn to use tools and techniques that will empower you to live consciously. You will become deliberate about achieving your goals and fulfilling your life purpose. My approach to personal development coaching consists of three parts: Taking Stock, Taking Responsibility and Taking Action. After Taking Stock, you will visualize the state of your life areas as a rainbow. Using your rainbow and what you learn about yourself, you will have the ability to start Taking Responsibility and Taking Action to fully complete all colours of your rainbow. URProfitable Life Coaching helps people realize their life purpose by guiding them through a journey of self-discovery and personal development. |
January 2025