Money management basics When it comes to finances, it is important not to compare yourself to others – that enviable brand new car, big house or social lifestyle may be sponsored by a deficit in the bank account and isn’t evidence of good money management at all! When you want to get control over your financial state, you should start by creating a plan for monthly spending from actual expenses that you know of and estimated expenses that you anticipate. Download the basic budget example at the end of this article and use it to setup your own version – this can be on paper or in software such as Microsoft Excel. As each month progresses, make a “copy” of your budget where you track actual income and expenses, cross check this against your bank account statements After 3 months, review your 3 budgets (plans) against the 3 copies (actuals), you will find that:
Obviously one would like to progress from the last scenario to the first in terms of improving your money management. Personal development coaching can guide you in deciding on goals and working out a plan to achieve your goals so that you can take control of your financial situation.
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January 2025