Litter, jumble, chaos, disorder, disarray, messy, untidy.
I am always shocked at the state of most people’s garages. In my mind, a garage should house vehicles, tools for DIY and gardening and possibly some miscellaneous items that one keeps because it will come in handy. AH-HA – those are them: the miscellaneous things that we just can’t let go off because we will use them some day. So, in they go. Above, next to or underneath the rest of the some-day stuff until eventually you can’t even remember all the some-day stuff that is in there. This means that you end up acquiring a new item when you need it because you have completely forgotten that it is in the garage! What a mess! Eventually it takes a good focused effort and a huge investment of time and discipline to sort out the some-day stuff because they start to take over the place. Actually, I have seen some garages that have their vehicles parked outside because there isn’t enough space due to CLUTTER! You might be wondering what a Life Coaching post has to do with garage jumble! Well, noticing all these garages not being used for their primary purpose led me to compare the tangible clutter in our garages to the intangible clutter in our lives. The main thought is about staying true to our purpose, consciously living a purpose-driven life! The gold to be found in knowing your purpose is that you also know what it is not. How lovely to have that focus! To be in a position to consciously decide if you want to deal with the consequences of doing something misaligned to your purpose or to stay blissfully inside that bit of heaven-on-earth where complete joy and fulfillment is found. When you (as the garage) know that your purpose is to house vehicles and tools, you will also immediately know that anything else is a big no-no. If you decide to let everything else in, you will end up with your vehicles outside, everything else inside and you’ve lost your purpose. And this is where I get to the Life Coaching – specifically Transformational Life Coaching. This is a well thought out series of modules that take you progressively through a process of unfolding self-awareness while teaching you tools and techniques for managing your (self-imposed) limitations. It takes a good focused effort, a time investment and discipline while you sort through the clutter. It results in uncovering your purpose and putting yourself in a position to continue on life’s journey knowing what it is and what it is not. I don’t have words strong enough to convey how unbelievably liberating it is when you consciously live a purpose-driven life. I can only recommend that you sign up for the Program and find out for yourself. Comments are closed.
January 2025